OPeNDAP Dataset Access Form


Data URL:

Global Attributes:


channel_name: Array of Strings [chan = 0..3]

date: Array of 64 bit Reals [date = 0..0]

number_of_collocations: Array of 32 bit Integers [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

central_wavelength: Array of 32 bit Reals [chan = 0..3]

offset: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

offset_se: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

slope: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

slope_se: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

covar: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

std_scene_tb: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

std_scene_tb_bias: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

std_scene_tb_bias_se: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3]
date: chan:

number_of_digital_counts_on_HRIT_table: Array of 32 bit Integers [number_of_digital_counts_on_HRIT_table = 0..1023]

calibration_table: Array of 32 bit Reals [date = 0..0][chan = 0..3][number_of_digital_counts_on_HRIT_table = 0..1023]
date: chan: number_of_digital_counts_on_HRIT_table:

validity_period: Array of 64 bit Reals [date = 0..0][validity = 0..1]
date: validity:

correction_info: Array of 32 bit Integers [date = 0..0]

For questions or comments about this dataset, contact the administrator of this server [Peter Miu] at:

For questions or comments about OPeNDAP, email OPeNDAP support at:


Dataset {
    String channel_name[chan = 4];
    Float64 date[date = 1];
    Int32 number_of_collocations[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Float32 central_wavelength[chan = 4];
    Float32 offset[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Float32 offset_se[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Float32 slope[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Float32 slope_se[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Float32 covar[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Float32 std_scene_tb[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Float32 std_scene_tb_bias[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Float32 std_scene_tb_bias_se[date = 1][chan = 4];
    Int32 number_of_digital_counts_on_HRIT_table[number_of_digital_counts_on_HRIT_table = 1024];
    Float32 calibration_table[date = 1][chan = 4][number_of_digital_counts_on_HRIT_table = 1024];
    Float64 validity_period[date = 1][validity = 2];
    Int32 correction_info[date = 1];
} mtsat2-imager-metopa-iasi-demo-nrtc/W_JP-JMA-MSC,SATCAL+NRTC,;